All our database vendors like Gale and EBSCO have “Cite this article” tool. Choose MLA 8.
Watch this Video Tutorial on accessing and using the PRHS Gale Databases
Watch this Video Tutorial on accessing and using the GAR Library Databases (America's Historic Newspapers )
Find Instructions for accessing BPL Databases (JSTOR, etc.) in your Gmail or G-calendar on Tuesdays.
Find the passwords on Tuesday of the Google calendar or in the library brochure or in a September email
- Link to English Databases
- Links to Social Studies Databases
- Links to Science and Health Databases
- Links to Databases for World Languages
- Links to Databases for Math, Computers, and Business
- Links to Fine Arts Databases
- Newspapers
- Links to Encyclopedias and Reference
- Links to Test Prep
- Links to Professional Databases
- General Databases